Present Perfect | Passato prossimo – from Acta International’s archive

Present Perfect | Passato prossimo

Dall’archivio di Acta International

Manuela De Leonardis, curator

16 marzo-29 aprile 2023

inaugurazione giovedì 16 marzo ore 18,30 – 20,30

Acta International is one of the first galleries in Rome exclusively dedicated to contemporary photography. Director Giovanna Pennacchi is delighted to invite you to the opening of the group exhibition Present Perfect I Passato prossimo from the Acta International Archives celebrating the gallery’s thirty years of activity. In June 1993, with Mario Clementi’s solo exhibition, Rome, curated by photography historian Diego Mormorio, the creative minds of the Acta International Cultural Association with its founder and director Giovanna Pennacchi, inaugurated the space in via Panisperna. Since its opening, Acta International has hosted 116 photography exhibitions as well as having organized exhibition projects in New York at the Fashion Institute of Technology, the Italian Cultural Institute, the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, and at the Italian Cultural Institute in Munich. Among solo, two-person and group exhibitions, dedicated to both Italian and foreign authors, from Pakistan to Oman, from South Korea to Australia, from the United States to Croatia, offering a significantly visible platform to new generations with equal enthusiasm.

For this first celebratory event, curator Manuela De Leonardis has selected 24 photographs by Paola Agosti, Marco Anelli, Sandro Becchetti, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Piergiorgio Branzi, Massimiliano Camellini, Franco Cenci, Pasquale De Antonis, Simona Filippini, Giorgia Fiorio, Leonard Freed, Frank Horvat, Lucideddu (Lucia Cadeddu), Nathan Lyons, Patrizia Molinari, Marialba Russo, Ivo Saglietti, Jack Sal, Pentti Sammallahti, Enzo Sellerio, Chrystie Sherman, Paolo Simonazzi, Angelo Turetta, Lim Young Kyun.

 Authors of different photographic languages in black and white, colour, analogue and digital, including portraits, landscapes, interiors, fashion, reportage, and experimental photography allow for choral vision to emerge at the same time as presenting an emotive journey throughout the history of the Roman gallery.

Dal 16 marzo al 29 aprile 2023


direzione: Giovanna Pennacchi

via Panisperna, 82 – 00184 Roma

dal mercoledì al sabato ore 16,00 – 19,30



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